Date posted: 7 August 2019, 5:44pm

Competition: Casual Plummers
Date: 5 Aug 2019

An excellent turnout of 28 last evening for our last "Casual" Plummers - with some very impressive scores. Congrats to the winners as follows:

    Name H/C Pts 
Class 1 1st  Ray Woodruffe 20 21
  2nd  Eamon Jones 22  19 (Last 6)
Class 2 1st  Michael Sweeney  28  21 
  2nd  Palmer Carter  26  18 


Prizes will be presented next Monday. Please note that as the course is reserved up to 5 o'clock, there currently are no plans for Early Plummers next week (though we shall keep this under review.)

Finally, please note that there are only FOUR remaining Plummers sessions before my Plummers Captains Prize and Dinner on Monday 9 September. Please be sure that you have competed in at least 6 sessions (as we'd hate to have to deny you victory.....!!)

Class 1: 17.5 - 22.4. Class 2: 22.5 - 28 

   Plummers' Committee  


Alan Dooley


Frank Fitzgerald


Peadar Nolan


Ronan King



Plummers' Competition is for H/C of 18 and over