Date posted: 20th February 2020

Motions for AGM

The following motions will be tabled for consideration at the Annual General Meeting of Killiney Golf Club to be held in the Clubhouse on Wednesday 26th February 2020.


Financial Accounts

“That the financial accounts for the 15-month period ending 31st December 2019 as presented to the meeting be approved”

Proposer: Sean Hayes
Seconder: Roisin McCarron

Annual Subscriptions

“That the annual subscription for the year commencing 1st January 2021 be the same as 2020, remaining at €1,480 plus the existing requirements in respect of Social Levy and pro rata for other memberships, together with a Transition Subvention of €130 per person in accordance with Rule 9.1.”

Proposer: Sean Hayes
Seconder: Brendan Seaver

The Re- Election of the Auditors.

“That David Keogh & Co. be re- elected Auditors of the Club.”

Proposer: Brendan Seaver
Seconder: Diane Browne


Election of Chair of  Council

“That Jim Mountjoy be elected as Chair of the Council of Killiney Golf Club”

Proposer: Brendan Seaver
Seconder: Diane Browne


Election of Honorary Secretary

“That Roisin McCarron be re-elected as Hon. Secretary of Killiney Golf Club”

Proposer: Brendan Seaver
Seconder: Diane Browne


Election of Honorary Treasurer

“That Sean Hayes be re-elected as Hon. Treasurer of Killiney Golf Club”

Proposer: Brendan Seaver
Seconder: Diane Browne

Election of Course Convenor

“That Paddy May be re-elected as Course Convenor of Killiney Golf Club”

Proposer: Brendan Seaver    
Seconder: Diane Browne


Election of House Convenor

“That Gillian Bolton be re-elected as House Convenor of Killiney Golf Club”

Proposer: Brendan Seaver
Seconder: Diane Browne


Election of Honorary Members

“That Pauline Martin be elected as an Honorary Member of Killiney Golf Club”

Proposer: Brenda Sheehan
Seconder: Diane Browne


“That Sean Pigot be elected as an Honorary Member of Killiney Golf Club”

Proposer:  Ken McCullagh
Seconder: Brendan Seaver


Election of Honorary President

“That Valerie Hand be elected as Honorary President of Killiney Golf Club”

Proposer: Michael Thunder
Seconder: Diane Browne


Niall Keyes

Secretary Manager

17th February 2020