Date posted: 4th November 2020

Dear Members,

Following the success of Chef Alan's "Call & Collect Takeaway" last Friday evening he is open for business again this Friday.  We did had a few teething problems with collection times last week (apologies) but we endeavour to have them all ironed out this week.  Collection slots will be offered on the quarter hour from 4.30pm - 7.30pm.  The earlier you order the more likely you will get your desired time slot.  We also have some great wine offers available to collect with your food order - See details below.

MENU & WINE SELECTION - Friday 6th November

As working remotely, please Call Mags on MOBILE 087 2235490 (during office hours) or email to place your order by Thursday 5th @ 1pm.

We also are delighted to announce that Leo is still holding his Master's 2020 Draw this year (Thursday 12th - Sunday 15th November) and is also offering an online shop service for your Christmas Gifts / needs.  To go virtual shopping with Leo please CLICK HERE.

We are very sorry to have to say farewell to one of our long standing Members and Past Captain Maurice Fenton R.I.P.

Stay Safe!

Level 5 Covid-19 Restrictions Due to End - Wednesday 2nd December
AGM Ladies Section - Thursday 3rd November @ 7.30pm by Video Link (Details to Follow)